Цитата из интервью Майкла Has anyone ever given you a great piece of advice that’s really stuck with you? I think Donnie Wahlberg told me, ‘Remember the three Ps.’ It was actually quite cool. We were doing Band Of Brothers and I had a small scene and he came up to me afterwards and said, “Well done in that scene. That scene could’ve ended up on the cutting room floor and you handled it well.” He said, “Just remember the three Ps. Patience, perseverance, practice.” I think that’s right. It’d be terrible if the piece of advice that was given to me I can’t even remember! But yeah, that was a nice bit of encouragement. I wouldn’t be in this position now if people hadn’t helped me. You need help, you know what I mean? You need somebody to give you a break or a piece of advice.
#he’s fucking BEGGING look at him he’s begging like a little puppy #can you see his lips he’s saying c’mon silently to himself #and his eyes are so hopeful and yet hopeless at the same time #he knows he’ll never get an award but still dreams of the moment his name will be called for all ears to hear
#and do you know what? fuck it! he deserves it probably more than anyone in this business.