Arthur: I gave this quite a bit of thought while I was playing Legos: Build Your Own Camelot and none of the knights would do something this shady. I’ve questioned the counselors and they were like “no way, bro.” You are the only other person to know of the route I was going to take. Well, you and the horses. BUT IT CAN’T BE A HORSE…or can it? (10 minutes later) No it can’t, SO AH HA!
Agravaine: But Arth—
Arthur: Say no more, uncle! I have complete faith in your innocence.
Agravaine: That’s good bec—
Arthur: No no, water under the bridge. Can’t believe I ever doubted you. Hey, is that a butterfly. How did a buttefly get into the castle? lol, it’s so fluttery.
Agravaine: Well, Arthur, there is one other person who knew of your plan, the person who has shown unflinching loyalty to you and your father for decades and would have no motive whatsoever to want to kill you: GAIUS.
Артур, они тебя никогда не предадут - рыцари, Мерлин, Гаюс и Гвен, они самые верные тебе люди в Камелоте.
а Агравейн сволочь
Agravaine: But Arth—
Arthur: Say no more, uncle! I have complete faith in your innocence.
Agravaine: That’s good bec—
Arthur: No no, water under the bridge. Can’t believe I ever doubted you. Hey, is that a butterfly. How did a buttefly get into the castle? lol, it’s so fluttery.
Agravaine: Well, Arthur, there is one other person who knew of your plan, the person who has shown unflinching loyalty to you and your father for decades and would have no motive whatsoever to want to kill you: GAIUS.
Артур, они тебя никогда не предадут - рыцари, Мерлин, Гаюс и Гвен, они самые верные тебе люди в Камелоте.
а Агравейн сволочь