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О!Этот спойлер мне нравится. Я канешна первая же буду плеваться, если выйдет как всегда,а не так как хотелось бы, но вдруг будет что-то действительно ня?
02.12.2011 в 09:35
спойлерно про СПН'Vampire Diaries' star wins 'Supernatural' role.
Sara Canning has won a guest role on Supernatural.
The former Vampire Diaries star will play a love interest for Dean (Jensen Ackles), according to TVLine.
Her character Lydia will appear in the 13th episode of the show's current season, expected to air in late January.
"[Lydia is] wry, independent, and as fun-loving as Dean." said showrunner Sera Gamble. "[They] have a memorable evening that takes an unexpected turn."
Canning starred as Jenna Sommers on fellow CW drama The Vampire Diaries and also played a recurring role on Smallville in 2008.
Jason Dohring has also signed up for a guest stint on Supernatural.
The Ringer actor will play the god of time Chronos in the 12th episode of the season.
The Supernatural midseason finale airs on Friday at 9/8c on The CW. ©
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